This etude is popularly known as the "Cello" due to the prominent melody played in the left hand. The key has been altered...
The "Raindrop" Prelude is the longest in Chopin's set of twenty four. The trumpets both play flugel horns at one point to...
This is a slower, laid back version of the popular Christmas song. Throughout the chart, the tuba plays a classic funk bass...
This medley wraps up eight of the most popular Christmas songs into a tidy package for audiences of all ages. Titles: Joy to...
Sometimes all you need is a couple of notes to get your juices going. A four note motif sets the stage for this humdinger....
Publisher: FABER MUSICPublication Date: 12/1998Medium: Score & PartsSeries: Faber EditionISBN: 057150941XInstrument: Brass...
This traditional folk song from Catalonia (a region in Spain) has been regularly sung during the Christmas season all over...
This is an exciting original composition by Kenneth Bray. Written as a piece to be used at the University of Western Ontario...
The tunes that comprise this cleverly written medley have a warm place in the hearts of us all, either through our own...
This colourful title aptly combines the basis for the piece and the person it was written for. Tenth grade trumpet player...
Using the style of Canadian folk songs from the east coast and the story-telling features of Newfoundland, this work by Ryan...
There have been many mythical heroes in famous literature. From the heroes in ancient Roman and Greek myths to the heroes of...
This colourful and interesting work was originally scored for solo piano. The change in modes and the passing around of the...
Donald Coakley has created a colourful and harmonically interesting arrangement of the French-Canadian folksong A la Claire...
"A New Day" is a celebratory piece where the melodies, feel, and harmonies are bright and uplifting. Sweeping, grand themes...