Always expressive and sometimes dramatic, this handsome gem tells a romantic love story as penned by famous African American...
Oh the heartache! "Why must I be a teenager in love?" It's a musical question from the sock hop days of the fabulous '50s....
TTB choirs set sail toward a hardy glee-club sound with this theme and variations arrangement of a traditional sea chanty....
Tender, expressive singing for changed and changing male voices. This setting of the familiar pentatonic folk melody is a...
Bring each section of the choir down a different aisle to add a theatrical element to the opening of your program and...
A popular choice for three-part groups, this authentic Zulu folk song is newly available for SATB and men's choirs. The...
A bombastic and stately theme, based on stacked modal harmonies, gives a triumphant air to this contemporary setting of the...
Expressive choral writing anchors this poetic text that describes the bonds of attachment between people who care for one...
Using Shakespeare's well-known text from As You Like It, Sherri has created a sonorous, energetic work for the male chorus....
"There is power in our singing, like a mighty army strong. We stand together proudly, we are brothers in song." Carefully...
Memories of winter, family, and friends are recalled in this poignant and tender ballad from Idina Menzel's CD Holiday...
Your students will thank you! This monster power ballad, as heard on the pilot episode of the hit TV show Glee, is from...
So many of us studied this song as students, and now our developing choirs can hone their skills with this educationally...
A great novelty tune for your choirs, from the Tony-nominated musical Pump Boys and Dinettes. "Every girl wants a man with a...
Check out this cool retro-pop tune from the rock band Portugal. The Man that instantly snags the listener with its catchy...