Ashtilian, written for 4 timpani, tests the skills of the player with sticking, rhythm changes, and changing pitches within...
This series of instructional studies is designed to help develop exceptional technique for timpani. The solos have been...
Dynamic Solos for Timpani offers an appealing array of performance pieces designed to foster a musical approach to timpani...
These 15 expertly written, intermediate-level solos were written as a companion to Fundamental Method for Timpani, but can...
The studies in this book are musical explorations in varied settings. They are designed to develop technical and musical...
A collection of five original solos based on the famous orchestral timpani parts of Mahler, Stravinsky, Bartok, Berlioz, and...
Written to include common challenges often encountered by today's timpanist. Meter changes, tuning changes and dynamic...
The pieces in this collection encompass the major keys of Western music. They are written for four pedal timpani, and may be...